Address Change for Service Fee Payments


The addresses for both ADP fees for service P.O. box and lockbox have changed. If  you mail in payment for WorkMarket fees for service invoices, please update your records with the information below. Payments sent to the old P.O. box or lockbox may be rejected. 

There is no change to our bank account number, routing number, or process for paying electronically. Only the mailing addresses are changing.

You can also find this information on your invoices; we began including it on your invoice in January 2024. 

New Addresses (effective immediately): 

Old Addresses New Addresses

Old Payment Mailing Address:

ADP, Inc.
P.O. Box 842875
Boston, MA 02284-2875

New Payment Mailing Address: 

ADP, Inc. 
P.O. Box 830272
Philadelphia, PA 19182-0272


Old Overnight Payment Address:

ADP, Inc.
PNC Bank
Attn: Lockbox 842875
20 Commerce Way, Ste 800 Woburn, MA 01801-1057

New Overnight Payment Address:

ADP, Inc. 
Lockbox 830272
525 Fellowship Road, Suite 330
Mt. Laurel, NJ 08054-3415


Please reach out to your WorkMarket representative with any questions you may have. 

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