Creating a Payment Request


BEFORE YOU BEGIN: Configure the fields that you want to appear in your payment requests. Refer to Configuring Payment Requests for more information.

  1. In the sidebar, click Requests under Payments.
  2. Click Create.
  3. Enter the payee's name, email, or ID in the Payable To field.
  4. In the Payables section, enter the Item NamePayment Type, and Amount.
    • NOTE: The Date Completed field automatically populates with today's date.
  5. To add another payable item, click Add Payable Item.
  6. Select the Payment Terms.
  7. If the Deductions section appears, complete the following steps. If it does not appear, review the summary and click Submit.
    1. Select the Deduction Type and Deduction Subtype.
      • NOTE: If the listed deduction subtypes do not apply to your deduction, click Add New to create a new deduction subtype. 
    2. Select Fixed Amount or Percent from the Select Deduction By dropdown.
    3. Enter the Deduction Amount/Percentage.
    4. Review the summary and click Submit.
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