Creating an assignment report

  1. In the sidebar, go to Analytics > Reports to open the Reports screen.
  2. Click Create Report.
  3. Select Assignments from the dropdown menu and click Next.
    • RESULT: The Report Configuration screen opens.
  4. Select one or more Date configuration.
  5. Click the Filter button next to the selected date configuration and enter a date range, then click Apply.
    • NOTE: At least one date field must be selected for the report to run. Each report can go back to the beginning of a maximum of 3 calendar years from the selected date range. 
  6. Expand the remaining sections to select the options that you want to include on the report.
  7. Click Run.
    • RESULT: A preview of the report appears (limited to ten rows).
  8. Click Save to save the report.
    • NOTE: Clicking save will save that "report configuration" and can be updated at a later time. You can view, edit, and schedule saved reports from the Reports screen. 
  9. Click Download to export the report as a .csv file.
    • NOTE: All downloaded CSV reports are also available in Report Download History for future retrieval. 
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